But once I read what they came up with, it actually sounds like it could have worked just fine, with this little tweak.
Here is what the message would have been:
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you...
(stops, grins)
I know I know, it's illogical to celebrate something you had nothing to do with, but I haven't had the chance to congratulate you on your appointment to the ambassadorship so I thought I'd seize the occasion... Bravo, Spock -- they tell me your first mission may take you away for awhile, so I'll be the first to wish you luck... and to say...
(beat, emotional)
I miss you, old friend.
What I had in mind would be to have Nimoy/Spock to have watched it alone, perhaps after he had his conversation with Quinto/Spock. That scene could have been set outside the balcony of the chambers at the end where Kirk gets the medal and the command. After the Nimoy/Quinto scene, Quinto could have walked down the steps to the ground level of the chamber and once he was gone down the steps, the camera could have followed Nimoy to the balcony.
Then, as Nimoy neared the edge, he would look down on Pine/Kirk as Quinto arrives at his side among his crew mates. Then, Nimoy could pull the message from his pocket, watch it, say quietly to himself, "And I am pleased to see you again, old friend" as he looks down on the stage as Quinto arrives at Pine/Kirk's side. (Of course, this sentiment is purely illogical, but Spock is half-human, after all, plus we all know how much his character grew over the years and how much his friendship with Kirk molded and improved him.)
Anyways, then the camera would shift down to the ground level vantage of the scene, and it would play as written. The scene would end with a perspective shot of Quinto looking up and seeing Nimoy nod and turn and walk away, disappearing onto the balcony and presumably out of the room.
Then the scene on the bridge of the Enterprise could play as written, as well.
Roll credits and play some music inspired by the original theme!
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