There has been much made of Yoda's line from Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, "Do or Do Not. There is no Try" that points out the hypocrisy of such a statement of an "absolute" when in Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Obi-wan exclaims quite clearly that only the Sith deal in absolutes.
Well, I think the famous line really isn't about absolutes. I think it's about intent and expectations.
The character, Yoda, is saying that he believes that you shouldn't start a task, unless you expect that you will succeed...or, in other words, you don't plan on giving up. You must trust in The Force that the correct outcome will be successful.
I think that's why it is important to see the difference between "trying" and "doing". It's the difference between the Means and the Goal. The difference between the "HOW you do it" and the "WHAT you have accomplished once you are done". Lifting the ship from the swamp, by whatever means, is the HOW you do it. Having the ship on dry land is WHAT you have done.
Even if an attempt fails, then you still continue trying. The actions chosen for each subsequent attempt will be different than the earlier attempts, because they will be made with the knowledge of what didn't work the last time. And you keep trying until you have reached your goal. Until you are done.
One final side note, though...if try and try and discover that something really is impossible, then George Lucas...through Yoda has thoughts on that, too. That is when you need to let go of your attachments and move on to something else.