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Friday, December 5, 2014

Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens - So...many...parodies

It seems like a great time to celebrate a second tease
into Star Wars: Episode VII: The Force Awakens

But we can't stop there, can we?

Let the parodies begin!!

Let's start with LEGO's!!!

Now...let's remember our first tease into a larger universe back in November 2014:

That was awesome.
I feel like a little kid.
So...that was 88 seconds, huh?
That seems reasonable for what it was.

Let's watch it again.  Shall we?

Wow...even better the second time.  And the ninth.  And the twentieth.

But surely that can't be all?

Oh...there is a LEGO version of that?  


Wow..that's amazing.  
Oh...there's a second LEGO version?


Wow...that was even better than the first LEGO parody.

And of course, Saturday Night Live
had to give their take...

And Family Guy couldn't sit on the sidelines:

Oh, there is a Wes Anderson version, too?
Well, that's just crazy enough to work!


Yeah...that was perfect.  
I would watch the heck out of that...
after I see the JJ version.

Man...there is only one person who could screw THAT up.


Actually, I quite enjoyed the Special Editions
(with a few noted, uh, disagreements).

But I think that version pretty much captured 
the essence of the Special Editions.

But there is so much to see.
I wonder how it would be if there was a version
that gave us a little more time with just one character.

I know...the BB-8 version (you read right):

Heh...that was cute.

You know what else is cute?

I can't believe so many people 
spent so much time and effort on making parodies
of one 88 second trailer.

I wonder what would happen if someone
spent little to no time or effort.

Even the sweded version is fantastic!

Man...this has all really gotten me 
feeling sentimental for the Original Trilogy.

Oh..they did one in that style, too?


If you know of any more...
...please post in the comments.

How many days until December 18, 2015?

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