in which Rey takes the wounded Finn off the Millennium Falcon,
and General Organa returns to the inside of the familiar ship
to find Chewbacca alone in the cockpit.
to find Chewbacca alone in the cockpit.
The excited crowd of Resistance ground crew, back-up support and leadership quickly approached the returning Millennium Falcon. Only a few had heard the transmission from hyperspace from the returning heroes of the loss of the former General, but the news of Han Solo's death was quickly spreading.As the Falcon touched down, the crowd moved close to get a glimpse of the returning heroes as the landing ramp lowered. They were starting to internalize the reality of seeing Rey pushing an unconscious Finn down the ramp on the med pallet. The silent crowd instinctively separated to let them pass unhindered, and also so Dr. Kalonia and her expertly skilled triage team could get to their wounded companion as soon as possible.
Leia got a glimpse of the mysterious young woman pushing her fallen comrade as they both rushed past her. Leia had never seen such devotion in a Stormtrooper, and knew from the look of grief in Rey that she and Finn truly had a connection that ran deeply. The crowd followed the levitating med pallet as it crossed the ferrocrete tarmac heading back into the landing bay and then into the med center beyond.
But General Leia Organa Solo remained still, her mind clouded. She stood alone in the cool, fresh air between her secret base and the ship that was really the only place left that she could truly call...home. She willed herself to slowly turn her attention to the ship and the empty ramp. She felt Chewbacca's presence within the Falcon that let her know it wasn’t least not completely.
But General Leia Organa Solo remained still, her mind clouded. She stood alone in the cool, fresh air between her secret base and the ship that was really the only place left that she could truly call...home. She willed herself to slowly turn her attention to the ship and the empty ramp. She felt Chewbacca's presence within the Falcon that let her know it wasn’t least not completely.
She slowly entered, one step at a time up the ramp. And as she was welcomed by the Falcon, she could not help but remember a conversation that felt like a lifetime ago.
HAN: Hey, Your Worship, I'm only trying to help.
LEIA: Would you please stop calling me that?
She felt disoriented slightly as the dissipating artificial gravity gripped her as she reached the top of the ramp and got her first gaze in years of her former home.
HAN: Sure, Leia.
LEIA: Oh, you make it so difficult sometimes.
HAN: I do, I really do. You could be a little nicer, though.
Come on, admit it. Sometimes you think I'm all right.
LEIA: Occasionally ...
when you aren't acting like a scoundrel.
HAN: Scoundrel? Scoundrel?
I like the sound of that.
I like the sound of that.
LEIA: Stop that.
HAN: Stop what?
LEIA: Stop that! My hands are dirty.
It wasn't until her eyes drifted to the opening of the cockpit access corridor that she realized she had avoided it initially when she entered the ship. She just wasn't ready to face the truth. She took a deep breath and began walking down the corridor.
HAN: My hands are dirty, too.
What are you afraid of?
LEIA: Afraid?
HAN: You're trembling.
LEIA: I'm not trembling.
With this memory, she realized that after all these years, she was trembling again. Her eyes started to glaze over as she held in tears. Her gaze fixed on the backs of the cockpit chairs. On the right, she could see the back of Chewbacca's head and shoulders slowly and deeply rising with each breath. His head was slumped forward slightly...his hands covering his face and eyes. Leia felt a lump growing in her gut seeing Han's empty seat on the left.
HAN: You like me because I'm a scoundrel.
There aren't enough scoundrels in your life.
LEIA: I happen to like nice men.
HAN: I'm a nice man.
LEIA: No, you're not. You're...
She leapt out of her seat and wrapped her arms around the walking carpet and she felt warmth and comfort as he wrapped his arms around her. He accepted her embrace and rubbed her arm lovingly. She released her arms and stood above him, looking down on him...a view she rarely had. Chewbacca looked up at his princess and growled a soft tone. Leia replied quietly, "I know. I loved him, too." And she kissed him on the forehead.

Chewbacca took a deep breath to compose himself and he stood at her side as he put his arm around her and they walked out of the ship side-by-side.
As they reached the ferrocrete tarmac, they hugged one more time and parted as he went in towards the med bay to check on his new friend, Finn. He saw Rey walking out of the hangar. He put his hands on her shoulders and nodded. Then, he disappeared into the base.
Rey walked to Leia. The both felt a connection to one another through The Force. They felt like they had never not known each other. They felt home. With their embrace, a weight was lifted from both. They both knew that Han was one with The Force, and both knew they were ready to take the next steps on their respective journeys wherever the fates sent them next.


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